sábado, 26 de outubro de 2013


Something went wrong at the time of creation ... Something went wrong when the human being was created. The collective unconscious reflects images of the beginning of
time, I think this beginning, previous to our wrong concept of existence. The error must be in the exact moment of connection of consciousness with the body...
The macroscopic world, is only useful part of consciousness that houses a large diversity of life including us. We are a brief moment within a concept of life that is far from the truth and even more far from perfect. For this reason, man lives a lie and the flame of reality.
 The translation of the word reality is incorrect in all the languages of the world.
One of the signs of degeneration of the conscience,is the perception that it is only capable of conceiving a moment of time, then the reality of fact do not see it.
To create our own reality, we rely on a false concept of life and death, thus, life is evil lived and the story is always evil counted. To make matters worse, we also a false feeling of imprisonment to the body making the time something impossible where the same was always an ally, because this allows the transcendence of consciousness.
The disease of consciousness, affected the collective unconscious connected to God, as well as the cosmic consciousness, causing the degeneration in the communication that makes us missing ... This was the only explanation that i found to justify the images published here and the lack of humanity.
Hunger in the world is the responsibility of us all, especially of all the rulers of the world. Normally we ask God for our
relatives who die, but we do little for those who are alive dying of hunger. The silence of indifference is the worst weapon that exists, in this case, crime against humanity.
Before such a contradiction, as considering the truly united nations? This omission is a crime against humanity. We talk about "evolution" and of a world considered "first", this concept only certifies that the principle is wrong, life is the natural order of things and the death is also wrongly regarded as the only certainty ...
When we look at brings after a time of life the simplest things is that form our best memories. The money of many wars is enough to win the fight of so many lives.
The greatest contradiction of leaders of the world within their
own statement of faith in the creator, with regard to the concept of life and human rights. The lack of attitudes attests to unreality lived by the leaders, the incompetence and the degeneration of the concept of humanity . Hunger in the world, puts us as barbarians in history, so we will all remember as the second age of DARKNESS.
 Even has some request to make to the Creator ? The power of zero point reminded me in the second, which is really the point of the "evolution" and "conscience" ...
The translation was not made by the author.

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